Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Place: smashburger
Lunch: Mushroom-Swiss, chili, Dr. Pepper

In case there was any doubt, smashburger's mushroom-Swiss has officially displaced Arctic Circle's mushroom-Swiss as my favorite.  Though I'd still take either one any day.

It was dark as night outside until about 10 this morning.  The wind is blowing, and the rain has been steadily falling at a heavy pace since I got out of bed. 

Maybe it'll help the taste of the tap water.  It's been pretty skanky lately.

(Is 'skanky' even a word?...checks Merriam-Webster...Yep, it is.  Is 'yep' a word?  Yep.  What about 'dickweed'?  Don't push your luck)

Years ago, our city water system was contaminated in a flood and we all had to use/drink bottled water for a month.  So Wife #1 and I got a couple of cases of water, which turned out to be an unintended revelation.  "WOW! I'm actually enjoying drinking this!"  Because the stuff coming through our old pipes was just dreadful.  We joined the bottled water generation.

After she passed away and I moved, I found the tap water at my new place was great. So no more need for the bottled stuff.  Until recently.

At first, I thought it was my ice that was the problem because I'd put some fish in the freezer and, even though I stored it in sealed freezer bags, the whole freezer smelled like fish.  So I tossed the fish, tossed the (allegedly) offending ice, cleaned, and put in an Arm & Hammer box. No more odors in the freezer.  But the water still tastes skanky. 

So I'm back to bottled water for now.  We usually have a period in the Spring where they put chlorine in the water, and you can taste that, but that hasn't happened yet.  Maybe that's the problem.  I made Kool-Aid (grape...yay) and the odor is actually so strong you could detect it in THAT too.

But the weird thing that made me think more about this is that the office water cooler this morning seems to ALSO be suffering from this skankiness, albeit to a much lesser degree.  I suppose this is bottled locally after going through their special filtering, but...weird.

Maybe it's all in my head.

I've considered getting a soft water system.  Kinetico is allegedly right up my alley, but they're ridiculously expensive...several THOUSAND dollars.

A case of bottled water is under $5 at Costco and lasts me a couple of weeks.

Think I'll stick with the bottles for now and wait for things to get better.