Place: Fatburger (in Aurora CO, not Topeka)
Lunch: Fatburger with egg (no tomato, no relish), chili dog, chocolate shake
If my experience this morning says anything, Topeka is nothing but a bunch of lazy people who just don't care.
First, breakfast at Steak n Shake. I order chili. "We don't have any because we opened at six (because of Thanksgiving) and it's not ready yet." Then she just stares at me like it's my fault for ordering it.
Second, Conoco. I pull in to fill up, and nine of the twelve pumps have baggies over them. So I go to one of the three that do (supposedly) work, go through the process to get the pump going, and it won't go. So I go inside and ask the cashier what's going on. He goes out and fiddles with it, and he can't get it going either. "You can try three or five, those are the only other ones that work." I try one of the two. Same deal. I leave.
So I go up the road looking for another gas station. A few blocks away, a second Conoco. It ALSO has bags over at some of the pumps. I don't even bother.
Up the road some more. No more gas stations. Turn around and hit the other main drag. Eventually find a BP. Pull in. "This gas pump does not generate receipts." Uh, yeah. I start pumping gas. The pump works for about three seconds, then the automatic shutoff happens as if the tank is full. I push it again. It does it again. Eventually, I get ten bucks of gas in and give up. I'm REALLY frustrated and want out of this town as quickly as possible. The cashier gives me a receipt. Out I went.
The rest of the day went well. Picked up a winter supply of pecan log rolls at Stuckey's, made it to Denver fairly quickly, and successfully navigated a shopping development and got into Fatburger on Black Friday. Fatburger aint cheap, but it sure is good.
And it's a beautiful day.